Write your First Application (Hello World) with Go

  1. Create a folder anywhere you like and call it anything you want. I called it helloworld-basic and you can find it in this repository:
  2. Create a file with the extension of .go. You can give any name to that file. I named it main.go.
  3. Add following lines in main.go file
    package main
    import "fmt"
    func main() {
      fmt.Println("Hello World")
  4. You can run your first Go Hello World application simply using go run command and you should be able to see “Hello World” text below your command execution.
    $ go run main.go
    Hello World
  5. You can also build an standalone executable file of your application using following command and run it.
    $ go build main.go

    You should be able to find an execution file with the same name main without any extension along with your main.go file:

    $ ls
    main  main.go

    And run the executable file like this:

    $ ./main
    Hello World


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